Christian Family Services
7955 Big Bend Blvd
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Missouri: (314)-968-2216
Illinois: (618) 397-7678
Fax: (314) 968-2335
Website: http://www.stlcfs.org/
CFS is a non-profit child placing agency supported by local Christians and Churches and licensed in Missouri and Illinois.

Christian Academy of Greater St. Louis
11050 North Warson Road
St. Louis, MO 63114
Fax: 314-426-8601
Website: http://www.cagsl.org/
CA is a preK-12 Christian educational institution whose goal is to prepare each student to live a life of value and meaning to God, society and self.
St. Louis Metro Area Churches of Christ:
Other area congregations are welcome to be listed. Please contact us with your information.
Fairview Heights Church of Christ
9955 Bunkum Road
Fairview Heights, IL 62208
Website: www.fairviewheightschurch.org/
Florissant Church of Christ
16460 New Halls Ferry Road
Florissant, MO 63031
Website: florissant.church/
French Village Church of Christ
Oak Hill Chapel
9141 Hwy. D
French Village, MO 63036
Website: www.oakhillchapel.com/
Lafayette Church of Christ
115 New Ballwin Road
Ballwin, MO 63021
Phone: 636.391.6697
Website: lafayettechurch.org/
Maplewood Church of Christ
3530 Falling Springs Road
Cahokia, Illinois 62206
Maryland Heights Church of Christ
107 Midland Avenue
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Website: www.mhcoc.org/
McKnight Crossings Church of Christ
2515 S. McKnight Road
St. Louis, MO 63124
Website: mxchurch.org/
O’Fallon Church of Christ
8576 Veterans Memorial Parkway
O’Fallon, MO 63366-3080
Website: www.simplechristianity.com/
Vaughn Hill Church of Christ
662 S. Bellwood Drive
East Alton, IL 62024
Website: www.vaughnhill.org/