We are excited about Camp!

We are excited about Camp!

We are hoping you are as excited as we are to be back at Camp Ne-O-Tez this summer! We are also delighted to use CampDoc, a leading camp application processor, specializing in health and safety at camps. Because we are new to CampDoc, our applications are being built now and should be ready for campers by May 25, 2021. Watch for a link on our website and Facebook page. You will want to apply as soon as you can, because space is limited every session. Please review the option$ for early applicants and other important information about this year’s sessions at neotez.org/summer-sessions. Also on our website you will find a packing list for campers and precautions we are taking this summer so we have a safe and fun time at Camp. Thanks for praying for a healthy and happy time at Camp this summer.

2021 Camp Schedule

2021 Camp Schedule

Mark your calendar and be ready to apply early for your week. Watch for details coming soon!

2021 Camp Schedule

Thank you for supporting Camp

We appreciate all who donated on Friday night and in the days before the Rally Fundraiser. The total for the night was $46,700. What a blessing to be able to continue making improvements to the Camp facilities in the coming year. If you did not get to view the virtual “dinner” video, go watch it on Facebook. Donations and pledges are welcome any time. Thanks for your support.

Help Camp Stay Strong – Tune in and give!

Friday, April 9 at 7 pm, tune in to Camp’s Facebook page at facebook.com/campneotez to join our Rally Fundraiser in place of the usual annual dinner. We appreciate your support and prayers for Camp’s continuing mission to train youth to walk with Christ. If you can give now or pledge to give to Camp over the next year, please visit our Donate page to give with PayPal or by check, send a donation by Venmo (@Camp-Neotez), or give your pledge or donation to your local board member.

Annual Rally Fundraiser

Please join us online for Camp’s largest fund-raising event during the year, the Stay Strong Rally Fundraiser on April 9 at 7 pm on the Camp Facebook page. This event replaces our usual Rally Dinner. Be praying for the event and for the upcoming online silent auction.

You can help by donating or pledging your support for Camp in advance of the fundraising event. You can download a donation/pledge card (below) or give online. Thank you for believing in our mission to train youth to follow Christ.

Member Perks

It’s time to renew your Camp Ne-O-Tez membership. This year you have another top-tier membership level choice. The two top-tier memberships will receive the 2021 Ne-O-Tez logo roll-up blanket. The Jeff Earnhart Legacy level ($250 donation) includes the roll-up blanket and a $20 voucher toward a camp week in the summer. Other levels are Ambassador of Camp ($100), Friend of Camp (either $50 or $25), and Student/Senior ($12.50). Your membership materials should arrive in the mail soon with lots of information about Camp. You have a few different ways to sign up to be a member: mail in your membership form, call or talk to your local board member, or sign up online at https://neotez.org/membership-drive/.

We can serve our campers only with the backing of faithful members like you. Thanks for your support.